Scenario Planning Information and Survey
What is Scenario Planning?
The land use scenario planning process provides an opportunity to study subgeographies of a community that are susceptible to change or present unique challenges or opportunities warranting additional study.
Scenario planning enables professionals, and the public, to respond dynamically to an unknown future. It assists them with thinking, in advance, about the many ways the future may unfold and how they can be responsive, resilient, and effective, as the future becomes reality. (American Planning Association)
What does the scenario planning process look like?
Local Landscape and Market Data
Key Issues
Community Feedback
Best Practices and Successful Examples from Other Places
Planning Expertise
Future Land Use Strategy
Zoning Considerations
Transportation Considerations
2D/3D Concept Visualization
Potential Development Impacts Associated with Scenario Planning Concepts
Scenario Planning Survey
Survey will close on Wednesday, January 1, 2025.
The purpose of this survey is to provide an opportunity for the community to provide feedback on potential planning scenarios for two focus areas within East Peoria: The Four Corners District (near the intersection of Washington Street and Main Street) and the Richland Farms neighborhood.
The scenarios presented here are simply ideas for what might be considered for future land use and development - not final development plans. The scenarios are being shared to gain feedback on what the community hopes to see should development opportunities present themselves within the next 15-20 years.